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Article Title: Holding Nothing Back
Author of reported comment: Mark
Comment Date: 12:45 on Aug 2 2007
Comment: This album reminds me a lot of some early Delirious? releases. Not because it necessarily sounds the same (although there are obvious similarities caused by the fact that it's an essentially guitar-based indie-rock production), but because it has much the same vibe - there's a freshness here that raises the goose-pimples in much the same way as the first time I heard "Live and in the Can". Stylistically, though, this is a decidedly 21st century album, with riffs reminiscent of The Killers and Coldplay, among others. I can't quite give it a perfect ten as some of the quieter tracks seem a little lacking in passion compared with the foot-stomping opener, but overall it's still one of the best worship albums I've heard in a long time.
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