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Article Title: Cool Christianity?
Author of reported comment: J. Monaco
Comment Date: 14:40 on Aug 21 2007
Comment: Keep praying! Keep writting! keep on moving! Kse lyrics are outstanding. Christan or not, Howard just say something that just goes further than all that meaningless-full-of-hate songs that are commonly released by metal bands. It seems something is changing in the way that Metal speaks. And i Hope so. MY best friend went t a KSE concert and he told me they`re not christian as they used to say a lot of "Bad words" on stage... I was very annoyed by what he said because i`m a christian and I know that bad language won`t take out your place in the good (and only) Lord`s eyes... I also read in another forum on the net someting like one of them is homossexual... and yeah that`s a sin, but so is lying and stealing and all that we know.I'm not saying i agree to this kind of BEHAVIOR, but I wanna emphasize that although our loving God hates sin, He loves all humanity endlesly, and if Himself came to wash away our sins, who are us to judge anybody?! Can we throw the stones?! sorry man i just can`t...and I pray that the negative rumors about them are mistaken, and that the positive ones are true. What i really can say is that in some way their music has moved me to praise Savior, and to thank Him, because " It won`t be long, we`ll meet again"; His love for us all is everlasting, and it burns in the same way for me, osama bin laden, george bush, maynard james keehan, ozzy, and the whole world wich includes you too. ^^ God Bless you all. - DUDE! that nu megadeth album is just a blessing man! Hehehe i just need to say... I miss P.O.D. and I know that a new album is coming up soon... I also suggests to those who like good christian music to get some phil keaggy or glass harp songs... you`ll be amazed. He`s awesome.
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