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Article Title: Abundant Pastoring
Author of reported comment: John Townsend
Comment Date: 16:05 on Aug 25 2007
Comment: Paul Scanlon's adherence to this new breed of church is about repackaging the message. When I attended his service he quoted "Jesus is irresponsible. Did you know that".? It was very alarming but Paul reassured us with "I'm not being radical here". To justify his revelation he said that Jesus' approach to the parable of the lost sheep was illogical, uneconomical and not financially astute to leave 99 good sheep and search single lost one! Paul Scanlon does not understand the true meaning of the lost sheep. This is not 'communicating' the true Word of God. Tinkering with the message like this is going to lead to a new creed of church. I read that Paul takes it as compliments when people tell him that his speeches were 'rude', 'bad' and 'wicked as words of 'the street' which mean the opposite. I don't think so!
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