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Article Title: Government Consultation Proposals Restrict Freedom To Witness
Author of reported comment: Gillian Cameron
Comment Date: 14:45 on Sep 3 2007
Comment: We've got the same problem over here with anti-hate crimes initiatives. Many people who call themselves Christians feel that they would be hampered in consigning other people to hell. A true Christian would never go "to a largely Muslim area to hand out tracts which said that Islam was a false religion," nor would a true Christian "refuse membership of the church to an unrepentant practising homosexual." Whatever happened to forgiveness and not judging lest we ourselves be judged? From my own readings of the New Testament, I have come to the conclusion that a True Christian treats ALL OTHERS with UNCONDITIONAL love and with the presupposition that each individual with whom he/she comes in contact is already in a state of grace. A personal note: the most dedicated Christian I have ever met, bar none, a superlative educator and counselor, whose love of God and humanity is absolutely palpable, is also a gay man. It is time for Christians the world over to abandon the hatred and return to the love, acceptance and forgiveness that Jesus taught.
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