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Article Title: Government Consultation Proposals Restrict Freedom To Witness
Author of reported comment: Ignatius Lazar
Comment Date: 23:07 on Sep 7 2007
Comment: I must beg to differ with Gillian Cameron. The reason why Christians reject homosexuality and other sins is precisely because these imperil our immortal souls. If we don't repent, we'll go to hell. That is why it is the essence of love to preach a message of repentence. If Ms. Gillian would bother to read the N.T. she would find that Jesus began his own ministry preaching repentance (ex: Matthew 3:17) and practically all we know about hell comes from Jesus' own mouth (Matt 5:29-30; 10:28; 23:33, etc). Hence the importance of going to muslim neighborhoods and sharing the gospel with them, as well as making clear to the unrepentant that they must change their ways. These ARE acts of love. However, love should be defined according to God's standards in the Bible, and not according to the preferences of secular society, as Ms. Gillian seems to prefer.
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