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Article Title: Parental Advisory Notice
Author of reported comment: Danae Gaines
Comment Date: 14:08 on Sep 11 2007
Comment: People get on my nerves so bad when they can judge you and tell you what the bible says when they don't have a clue what is giong on in your life. A lot of you are passing judgment on Tonex b/c he's pushing some of you 'so saved' people out of the box. What makes us think that we can pass judgment on him when we ourselves have things going on in our lives that may make people wonder about us? We are so quick to judge others but no one wants to stop and look in the mirror. I'm am so sick and tired of the saints being so judgmental and hurtful. The bible says with love and kindness have I drawn you. Who are we to judge anyone. Tonex is human just like the rest of us. He has his trials, ups and downs, faith wavering moments, and all that just like we do. Just so happens that his is out in the open. It's like he's under a microscope being picked and poked at by us, the one's who should be lifting him up in prayer and asking God to let his will be done in his life. Yet we wanna get online and talk about him. He's gone to far, he's crazy, he's this, he's that. Man, please! If many of us were to go through what he's dealing with we may not make it! Talk to God. Strengthen your relationship with God instead of talking about people. Jesus loves us with an agape love. We can mess up, turn our back on him, try to lie to him, and everything, but when we come to the realization of who he is and all he can do and decide to follow him, he loves us STILL! I love Jesus for that. I never want to leave him just on knowing that! We as Christians need to strive for that kind of love toward each other and sinners too. We should love sinners like they are saved. That is what Jesus did. He loves us and pours out his grace and mercy on us everyday! Isn't that one of the points to being saved? Striving to be like Jesus? Quit tearing our brothers and sisters down. Hold them up in prayer!
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