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Article Title: Staying Mute
Author of reported comment: Sarah Burgos
Comment Date: 20:49 on Sep 20 2007
Comment: Of course MuteMath would not want their music primarily sold under a "christian" label! Christian music is terrible!! Don't get me wrong, I am a firm believer and follower of Christ. I love worship music. But you have to admit that most christian music is cheesy and non-creative. MuteMath is creative, artistic, and out-of-the-box. The put themselves in the "Christian" music industry would only limit their outreach ability and cause non-christians to completely write them off before even listening to their music. God has a bigger plan here than recruiting another cheesy band to re-cycle the same christian lyrics over and over and over again. I think God wants Christians and the talent He's given them to be bigger than that.
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