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Article Title: Kanye West Controversy
Author of reported comment: Kristen
Comment Date: 22:10 on Sep 24 2007
Comment: I believe that a lot of these comments are coming from very sheltered minds. I am a fan of Kanye West and am actually in the process of writing a paper about this song. "Jesus Walks" is a great song. Jesus is not just trying to reach people who are already Christians. From the sounds of some of these comments, the person believes that Jesus should not be played in pool halls and clubs. WHY NOT?! That is where he needs to be mentioned the most! People who are Christians and go to church already know God and should be the ones spreading the word to all of the people in those places. And who's to say that the people in those places are not already Christians? No one can be biased about this! Wha Kanye is doing...and saying in the song---if anyone on here has actually listened to it, is that he does not care if he sells any records with this song, as long as he can get Jesus' name out there and know that he is doing the right thing...he will be right with God.
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