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Article Title: Eritrea - Over 2,000 Detained Without Charge Or Trial
Author of reported comment: Simon
Comment Date: 20:13 on Sep 25 2007
Comment: I visted Asmara, eritrea in May of this year. I was fortunate to attend the Eritrean Evangelical church at Geza Kenisha. The Church was full. People worshiped without any hinderance. Near where I was staying there was a Catholic Church, who's bells tolled for the faithufull to and worship at 5 am everyday. The clear crisp morning of Asmara was usally pierced with the call to Prayer by the local Mosques and Churchs. So where is this repression of religious rights? It is a historical fact that, Africa was conqured in equal measure by the 'missionary' as much as by the soldier.
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