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Article Title: Richly Blessed
Author of reported comment: Iris Erielle Foss
Comment Date: 20:34 on Oct 2 2007
Comment: King David commited many sins, even murder! Yet, God considered him, " A man after God's own heart" He wrote many pages of the Bible and he will 4ever be known as " King David" Look at Peter, He denied Jesus Christ as Lord, ( imagine that? ) He cut a soldiers ear off, Had a bad temper... Yet, God called him " The Rock" and to him He gave the keys of heaven. Think about guys, time & time again we see in the Bible how God used ordinary poeople that sinned and failed...yet God has His way Jaci & Nic have no clue who I am and prabably never will in this life time...But, I know 4 sure I'll see them both in My Fathers house.
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