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Article Title: Richly Blessed
Author of reported comment: Grandma Smith
Comment Date: 06:51 on Oct 9 2007
Comment: Okay everybody, enough is enough. You all sound like wanna-be preachers. Jaci & Nic make a fabulous couple & we all know it. As for the adultery stuff, let God be the judge. Were any of you there to witness any of it? NO!! is just here-say!!! There are always three sides to the story. His side. Her side.....and the TRUTH. So in reference to Jaci's previous marriage. Maybe her first husband was a drunk. Maybe he beat her. Who knows. Were you there? NO!!! Now she is with Nic!!! He seems extremely thrilled to be with her by looking at their wedding photo. So let them enjoy their marriage and you enjoy yours!! Lord Have Mercy on us ALL!!!
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