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Article Title: Parental Advisory Notice
Author of reported comment: Trini Lil Bit
Comment Date: 17:26 on Oct 18 2007
Comment: I agree with you completely...look at R Kelly...he's written some of the most powerful "gospel" songs known. God gave him a gift and it works..just like Tonex. He's a man; human just like all of use. We are not fallible, we are not God so who are we to judge someone who dears to be different. Paul said I am all things to all men, so that I might win some. A white chrisian artist can rock a mohawk and it's ok...what the heck is wrong christians today. We are so harsh and stoic. Jesus loved both jews and greek, the sinner and saint just the same. Yes in his Naked truth song he cussed up a storm, yes some of the things he sai were a little misguided BUT, I dunno bout ya'll but as a christian sometimes I go through stuff that brings out that anger too. Nobody's perfect and right now Tonex is pushing the limits of small thinkers in the gospel arena. Instead of judge...pray because if God wants to use him for something He will have his way no matter if we try to run from it and go left every now and's happened to me so I know. Bless up!
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