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Article Title: Howard 'Slim' Hunt 1935-2007
Author of reported comment: ANTHONY aka SOPHMORE
Comment Date: 21:15 on Oct 22 2007
Comment: I have had the chance to ride across the country with the supreme angels since i was about 3 or 4 years old.My dad has been a member since the early 80s and i was taught alot of things by rev that has made me who i am today.He has shown me how to be about my fathers business and how to be a business man.I learned alot about the road from him. HE would always tell me not to follow some of the things that the quartet singers did,he felt that the groups that came before us younger groups did not set good examples for the next generation of singers.I think he was one of those who did .he didnt believe in puttin on a show, he believed in saving souls first.thanks 4 everything REV i will always remember you and your name will live on 4 generations to come my children and there chidrens children will know about slim and the supreme angels.stay up pop, rice, quick,uncle suge love you guys.
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