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Article Title: Richly Blessed
Author of reported comment: Friz
Comment Date: 07:10 on Nov 6 2007
Comment: I am kind of sad that we are forgetting that the word of God is spirit and life. What does the scripture say? we can't use the scripture in one situation and ignore it in the next. God hates Divorce (Malachi). That is why we should choose a life partner CAREFULLY not just based on our feelings because marriage is permanent and very spiritual. The two shall become one. What God has joined together let no man put asunder. Pick a partner wisely that way some months into the marriage you do not regret your decision and even if you did. Nothing is impossible with God. Stick with the marriage!!! because one is only free from marriage when their partner dies. GO TO THE BIBLE AND SEE WHAT THE LORD SAYS ABOUT DIVORCE!!!
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