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Article Title: Supreme Survivors
Author of reported comment: Tina
Comment Date: 05:11 on Nov 7 2007
Comment: Quincy, my family visited your Dad's church in Dillon a couple of times. Mr. Slim treated us just as if we were one of the members there. Regardless of the fact that we are Native Americans. Maybe you can remember, my little girl sang "Got the Devil Under My Feet" and Mr. Slim gave her a dollar. She still has that dollar (framed) til this day. I know she will never get rid of it. BESIDES, I'LL NEVER LET HER. We attended your concerts whenever we could. This morning around the hours of 3 a.m. I began to think of the Supreme Angels, and just had to get up and get only one of my videos out to watch. I told my husband, that the anointing is real when after many years later, you can watch it (Blind Man) and still feel the Holy Ghost. We wish all of you God Speed-in your Father's Legacy. To your lovely Mother, tell her she is a beautiful and CLEAN-LOOKING woman of God. There's no other band out there like the Supreme Angels Band! THANK YOU, QUINCY, SUGAR, MICHAEL, AND MAURICE.
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