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Article Title: Controversy Continues
Author of reported comment: Felisa
Comment Date: 03:44 on Nov 25 2007
Comment: The situation with Senator Obama and Donnie McClurkin and the gay activist is just tiresome. Ok, Reverend McClurkin has his views about homosexuality like anyone else in this world. He has based his decision on the Word of God. So, if people, gay activist or whoever wants to condemn him for his beliefs go ahead and do it, but be prepare to deal with God… If Reverend McClurkin is not being truthful about his words and actions, then he has to answer to God, not anyone else. He never claimed he was a homophobic, he says that homosexuality is a choice and it is abomination to God, and the Word of God says the same thing. So if anyone has a problem with Reverend McClurkin, take it up with God. Senator Obama’s camp booked Reverend McClurkin, Mary Mary, and Pastor Hezekiah and these are people of God. I would be more concern about them portraying an image like they were children of God, but not following His word and His ways by accepting societies “norm”. As a child of God we are told to be truthful, even expose the truth. No one is perfect, but we strive to be the best person that we can be according to God’s will and ways and not according to this world.
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