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Article Title: From Rasta To Disciple
Author of reported comment: Angela
Comment Date: 00:52 on Dec 3 2007
Comment: Posted by Herms in Montreal Canada Quebec @ 04:31 on Sep 27 2007 "I now found out about Judy Mowatt. It is very interesting to know that some one like Bob has receive Christ he has been singing songs from the Bible all his live , you who don't believe are fools because he is in a place of peace and all you people can say I don't beileve . Some of his songs are taken from the psalms so why are you so frighten Heaven is real and so is Hell and he had time to ask God for forgiveness . Praise be to God he has forgiven him , the rest of you are going to hell with your unbelieve and doubt..." TISK! TISK! WHAT WOULD MARLEY SAY? If he was still alive, do you actually think that he would waste his breath passing judgment on his brothers and sisters like you have? I THINK NOT! This brother spent his life uplifting his people in every way possible because he LOVED them. I believe Mowatt's story because they were VERY close! Moreover, I am certain that if the Almighty had granted Marley a few more years on this earth after his illness, then he would have spent his remaining years spreading his new faith. I truly believe this and I am not Christian - nor am I Rasta. MY POINT IS IF YOU SAY YOU BELIEVE THEN DON'T SPEND YOUR TIME TEARING OTHERS DOWN. HELP TO BUILD THEM UP INSTEAD. THAT IS WHAT BROTHER MARLEY WAS ABOUT. (May the Almighty forgive him of his sins and grant him Paradise.) "Judge not that ye be not judged. For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again," (Matthew 7:1-2).
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