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Article Title: I Lied, It Rained....
Author of reported comment: Ajibade A.O
Comment Date: 11:12 on Dec 4 2007
Comment: Today i am convicted of my sins. I am a christian and i spend a lot of time evangelising. But recently i've been caught in these so called white lies. Giving excuses/lying about appointments and schedules because i dont want to become too familiar with cetain people lest they rob me of precious time or lest they come close enough to hurt me. But maybe it is better to tell them the truth as gently as i can and though they hurt a bit and for a while my conscience will become staightened out. And i believe my continual reassurances that i accept them, showing my love for them in other ways will get them on the right path to their healing. More over, i am very interested in the prophetic gifts which all in all depends on your ability to hear God and discern his will, i realise one needs to be sensitive in the spirit to attain to this, learning sensitivity starts from being sensitive to your conscience, keeping it clear and sharp and walking in love, telling lies, no matter how small hinders this. Once again thanks for this article. God bless
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