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Article Title: Come Together: A Worship Experience
Author of reported comment: Leticia RODRIGUEZ
Comment Date: 01:51 on Dec 9 2007
Comment: WOW! You're probably wondering why a song from 1995 has come to my attention! well here goes...I bought the tape cassette when I 1st heard It,a couple of years ago because It open my worshiping spirit to the Lord, This is a season to Worship our God and not forget that ALL the honor goes to Him! As He was sent to us to deliver us. there must have been a change in the Heavens and the earth. Wow! and As I look back I remember 3 years ago I was single and with young adults trying to find out what God wanted to offer to me, coming from New York and going through a life of many changes and a hard divorse, which growing up as a believer to Love others, I didn't understand why the world was soooo cruel. Why all this information...I'm married now to a man of God, and I believe God has all goodness for all of us. This cassette meant the world to me back then and now, because when nobody understood me, God did , Yes Come together and Worship the High ALL MIGHTY IS to be celebarted. Remember I said I remarried, well today I found this cassette and I worshipped the Lord all day, I Seperated this day for my Jesus(I am trying to find this in CD, so It will last me, can you help me ?).I believe that God puts us together for many reasons, but mostly, no matter our race or color we are all his children . God Bless your ministy, always remember how your song touches others As It touched me and takes us to a level of singing and dance to our God also the song "Bow down" and "Let all the saints rejoice" as we remember HIS Love for us ...God Bless you ...............
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