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Article Title: I Lied, It Rained....
Author of reported comment: Chris
Comment Date: 18:45 on Dec 17 2007
Comment: Thanks for sharing that with us. It helps us to realise just how devasting sin can be no matter how small or inconsequential it may seem. It's like a stone thrown in a pond you never know its ripple effect until its too late. Not only that but each time we sin it becomes easier and easier to commit the same one with lame excuses such as it's only a white lie, no one really get hurt' etc. The reality is it does hurt someone, somewhere. Above all it husts our Father God who longs us to be free from sin - as he knows all too well its effects, it cost Him His only Son to set us free. Your article has prompted to rexamine myself a fresh to stop making compromises, and by His grace live more and more for Him.
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