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Article Title: Max Divorce
Author of reported comment: Mary
Comment Date: 18:00 on Dec 22 2007
Comment: I grow so tired of the "do not judge" mantra people take so out of context. People, wake up and read the Bible. Stop sugar coating sin so that just because you don't want to offend people or want to be offended yourselves. (And Kerry, this is not about backstabbing, have a little maturity here). Perhaps people forget that Jesus actually did command us to judge? We have the right to call sin for what it is: sin. And no matter what the reasoning behind a divorce, divorce is despised in God's eyes. It is born out of sin and therefore is sinful. No reason in the world can change that. Even if someone is unfaithful, guess what? The Bible is still pretty clear about God hating divorce. It's a very painful and bitter pill for people to swallow...and I'm sure it's not easy to hear. But that's biblical truth. If Christians are unwilling to accept biblical truth, it might be time to reevaluate their walk with God. It's sad when someone's fame is enough for people to say "aww it's ok, he really tried." Would we say that to a murderer or a rapist? "Aww it's ok you killed or raped someone, you tried to do good." After all, in God's eyes, sin is sin. Start living the way God wants you to, stop making excuses, and start holding each other accountable regardless of fame. It's time to actually walk in the light, and not just smile and say you do.
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