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Article Title: Broken Into Beautiful
Author of reported comment: Alan and Martha Bern
Comment Date: 23:51 on Dec 22 2007
Comment: Carolyn, We received an email from Celebrate Church in Orlando, Fl. The pastor from Celebrate keep in touch frequently. The latest email indicated that you are going to be a guest on Christmas Eve. We would like to have attended, but becuse we are on the West Coast, it is unlikely that we would be able to make this event We believe that the Lord, Jesus Christ will continue to bless you with an abundance of His love. Continue to place Him first, and share His love with the world. Thank you for your service in Him. We had no idea of the trials that you have been through as a child. Emotional scares can only be healed, as you know, by Jesus, our Lord and Savior. You are an inspiration to all this time of year who may carry the heavey heart of the loss of someone special in thier lives. Again, bless you for all your efforts in His name. Alan and Martha--Crescent City, CA
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