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Article Title: The 20 Best Albums Of 2007
Author of reported comment: Wolfgang Elste
Comment Date: 14:47 on Dec 25 2007
Comment: Thank you for this list. In the next weeks I will check out most of this albums and if I like them, I will buy them. I already have the records by Mavis Staples, Mike Farris and Kevin Smith. I think it was very right to put them into the Top 20. Kevin Smith turns out to be a real genius of popmusic who's records will still sound interesting in 10 years. Today I listened to Ron Block and it was a revelation. This is one of the best songwriters I have ever heard in my life. I personally would also include among the top 20 albums of this year 'Son of Skip James by Dion and 'The midget, the speck & the molecule' by the Swirling Eddies
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