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Article Title: Hooked On God
Author of reported comment: nonya bizz!
Comment Date: 10:13 on Jan 7 2008
Comment: I don't really think this album is all people made it to be!..don't get me wrong I love bingos music and I don't question his talent that's why I think he can do soooo much better I have seen him perform at the lounge in Orlando and I'm glad to see he's going back to what he does best!...singing!!..I mean he can rap to but his strongest talent is singing!!...and I have heard some people say that they think he's wrong for going more mainstream with his music and I say to this is music and just b/c a song doesn't talk about Jesus doesn't make it bad I dunno I just think people who think like that are putting themselves in a box...but whatever Bingo if you ever read this...keep doing what you doin and I pray that the next project that comes out gets all the success that you deserve and shows off your TRUE talents!....
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