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Article Title: Howard 'Slim' Hunt 1935-2007
Author of reported comment: Benita
Comment Date: 17:20 on Jan 21 2008
Comment: My family have been traveling to gospel programs ever since I was a baby and I am soon to be 29 yrs old... I remember when I first saw Slim, he came out in the "cape" and anytime we went to a program I would always ask my mom, "Is "The Cape" man gonna be there" because at the time I didn't know the name of the group.. Over the years, I have been truly blessed by Slim's ministry...Days when I was down, I would just pop in a tape and listen to him, Scotty, Greg, Sugar and all and my spirits would just lift up...I tell you the 2 songs that always made me smile but they were true was 1) "If You Trust A Snake", and 2) "People Don't Do"..."Stay Under The Blood" and "He Is Lord", made me just go into a worship..I cried when my mom called me and told me he passed...I just didn't wanna believe we lost yet another great gospel singer...Slim truly was a Man of God and it showed through his music... He was unique and different with his style but yet effective...I know many souls were saved behind his ministry...I thank Slim for being apart of my life as well as my families and even today his music still lives on in our hearts..My prayers go out to his family and to the group The Supreme Angels, that they will carry on with the ministry that was charged on their lives and even though Slim may not be here in the physical, he will alway be here in spirit...God Bless you all....
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