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Article Title: Eternal Life
Author of reported comment: Tusa Su'a
Comment Date: 01:01 on Jan 24 2008
Comment: Pastor Ernie Toppin is really really talented..God has truly blessed him with a talent for music vocally and lyrically if that makes any sense..We performed the night after Pastor Ernie and his wife did at Prescott Conference in I think Jan of 2006 and it was nerve working...After he performed OH Man Of God, I agree that everyone in that tent wanted to hit the altars. The whole acappella group did not want to sing after pastor...anyhow thank you pastor for your music, oh and just to let you know our group "Set Apart" in San Jose have performed two of your songs for our Sat Nite Live Concerts if thats alright with you? WE sing Maybe, Maybe, Maybe, and I'm not afraid to die! It's great we have had many compliments, but we owe it all to you and Gods blessings upon your life...God bless... ~Sister In Christ
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