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Article Title: Faith Inside
Author of reported comment: Carolyn Froese
Comment Date: 00:43 on Jan 31 2008
Comment: Here are some great reviews on the project! “I love Allen’s new project! Extremely musical, full of Spiritual depth and right on target. In a world full of non-musicians trying to be artists Allen Froese is a breath of fresh air – he’s the real deal!” Rick Cua, Recording Artist, Nashville “I receive lots of albums in my line of work. Very few do I ever listen to more than once. This new recording by Allen Froese is one of those that I will play again. Lots of musical and lyrical hooks in the songs and Allen's voice sounds really good. So far, my favorite track is 'We bow'. This album will move you into worship. Can you ask for more?” Noel Richards - Singer/Songwriter - England "This is better than some of the major labels produce. Full marks to producer Carmon Barry in his Toronto studio and this Canadian singer-songwriter both of whom are new to me. Allen Froese is one of those P&W specialists whose very name should be “one-to-watch” as it spells inspirational talent and encouragement for admirers of the modern genre. With his lucid, unembellished gospel style, he confirms his talented dedication to the Kingdom to good effect on this dozen-song bumper of P&W pounders. All songs are divinely respectful, congregationally-friendly, and radio-friendly. This is good solid inspiration at its contemporary professional best." - PAUL DAVIS
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