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Article Title: Betcha Didn't Know
Author of reported comment: Jeff W. Lancaster
Comment Date: 00:17 on Feb 9 2008
Comment: Hey All, Your comments are totally awesome!!! It is such a blessing to see some of these comments and how H & K touched you in some way. It seemed like I was the only one around me that liked these sweet girls (only because I grew up in an area where Christian music wasn't prominent) but I see the many, many lives that were touched by them. Like you, Ken, I got the album when I was in college (I'm 35 too). H & K also sang on "Khool Yule" a Christmas CD (still listen to it) and also "Khool Praize" (I think that's the name of it. Again.....totally, totally awesome). And ya' know, even though it was all several years ago, it's like it's not out of style. Oh, I spoke w/ their mother over the phone back in the late 90's (1998 or so) when I moved to IN. I left her a msg on her answering machine and she totally called me back!!!!! We talked for about 15 min. or so. I was just coming in the house from work when the phone rang and I answered it. I wanted to see what the girls were up to at that time and she mentioned that they were in their own band now called "Deep Mosey" similar to "Jars Of Clay". I had wanted to know if they wanted to start a trio.....NO JOKE!!! Anyway, Carolee prayed for me and my music awesome was that. She also has some of her own stuff out, too. Check them all out. You can find them on the web. What an awesome, awesome group of ladies. Be Blessed, Jeff W. Lancaster
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