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Article Title: Beautiful
Author of reported comment: Heidi Wiebe
Comment Date: 15:54 on Feb 9 2008
Comment: Hey Amanda! My name is Heidi Wiebe. Before I forget, I saw you at Heather and Alex's wedding. Heather Wiebe is my cousin. When you sang and played the piano I thought it was amazing. That just made my night. Thank you for doing that. I'm really glad I was there that night. And your new CD. I want it really badly. So does my mom. :P But yeah hopefully we'll get it soon, because I want to listen to it, especially the song called "Beautiful." That song has probably been my favorite for who knows how long? lol I absolutely LOVE it. It's amazing. And you know how songs can kinda relate to a person's life and what they're going through? Well, actually my friend and I were sitting in my living room with the Light (Gospel music) on. My friend's name is Eveline and right then and there she didn't think she was beautiful for some reason. I've told her more than once that she is gorgeous but then again some people don't think that about themselves and she was one of them. She had also been going through some guy problems. Anyways, we were listening to the Light station and your song "Beautiful" starts playing. We sat there listening to it for a while and when it played the chorus both her and me were shocked and really amazed at how the lyrics kind of fit with her life. The whole thing about her thinking she wasn't beautiful and after listening to that song she thought different about herself and thought she was beautiful. And I also think this was a way of God speaking to us, especially Eveline because she really needed to hear that. And I'm just really glad you produced that song. Ever since that day we've both loved that song SO much.
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