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Article Title: Teen Pop
Author of reported comment: dreyn
Comment Date: 03:34 on Feb 10 2008
Comment: hey joe bros you guys rock!!i have been beging my parents to let me see one of your concertsbut they have been saying no but my sister said that when she gets a job that she will try and get me front row seats to one of your concerts. joe this is to you you are soooo funny you crack me up all the time on you tube and nick i kinda know what you are going through with your diebeties because my dad, mom, grandma, uncle,brother, and aunt all have it. kevin from what i have herd you seem really romantic.joe this basically to you . you are my insperation to keep singin in chorus and you are soo cool i only can wish if i were as cool as you. joe kevin and nick lpeas send a happy birthday shout out on March 8 on your you tube please, and if you do thankyou and my name is dreyn. i will probubly send you guys another shout out soon,but for now goodbye. love a huge fan, dreyn
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