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Article Title: New Drummer
Author of reported comment: Rhonda Penson
Comment Date: 00:50 on Feb 18 2008
Comment: Lori is an awesome drummer and will missed a great deal. It was hard to see someone else playing her drums the first time. Once the shock was over it was time to welcome Jen. She is doing a great job. I will however always miss Lori. She played a MAJOR role in teaching my niece Aleigha to play the drums. Aleigha can play ever note to every song on the Comotose CD. She listens to the CD through head sets and plays the drum parts for hours at a time. Thank you Lori for setting the stage for other young girl drummers. Thank you most of all for befriending Aleigha and teaching her to play the drums via long distance. You were, are and always will be a great drummer. God Bless as you enter this new chapter in your life. You are gone but NOT forgotten!
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