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Article Title: Controversy Continues
Author of reported comment: Lolita Jenkins
Comment Date: 02:14 on Feb 18 2008
Comment: How interesting I find it that Obama makes the statement of being tolerant to homosexuality and not causing division. People dont reolize that they are alredy divided(seperated) from God when they choose this lfestyle and can only be restored by repentance from the same. until seeing this statement from Obama he had my vote but in light of this I must take a closer look at the content of this mans knowledge of the word of God since he has made referance to having some relationship with the word of God. I applaud Pastor Don for is holy boldness and loyalty to Gods word and not mans unconfirmed ideas of His word. May God continue to speak through His yeilded vessels. God speed Pastor Donnie God speed sighned, removing the beam that I may help with the speck
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