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Article Title: God Will Finish The Work In You!
Author of reported comment: C
Comment Date: 17:06 on Feb 23 2008
Comment: thanks for this article, i really needed it. I couldn't believe my eyes when i opened my e-mail and read what the article was about! Recently i have really struggled with believing that God can forgive me for certain sins, and these particular sins were related to addictive and compulsive behaviour, which made it all the harder to deal with. This last week i found myself praying "God, i want to change, but so much of my problems are beyond my control. i am mentally ill, and cannot just stop my behaviour." I thought God was just standing there with his arms folded, scowling, saying "Well, i forgive you but i am going to be cross with you for a long time if you don't clean up your act. sick or not, you will have to TRY HARDER." So i just felt more down about myself. Then i talked to my chaplain about this, and another Christian friend, who told me that the Evil One was the one wielding the big stick to beat me with, not God. I said to them both, "Yeah, yeah, i know God loves me, but i still feel like i am too sinful and horrible to want to spend time with Him. He may love me but i'm sure He is disappointed in me." And then they said that i needed to change my concept of God and gave me some books to read. Then along comes your article! Maybe God is trying to tell me something?!
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