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Article Title: Sexual Orientation Regulations 2006
Author of reported comment: Martin
Comment Date: 23:33 on Feb 28 2008
Comment: I do not go to Church every Week, I do not pretend to be anything other than I am. I had an upbringing that was second to none. My Mother and Father were 'good people' and had involvement with the local Catholic church (St Philips - Smethwick). My Father would 'SET FIRE TO GAY MEN' as they were a drain on society! I AM A GAY MAN - it has not been easy & for all you people who say 'I have a choise'? It is not about choosing - if it were, I would have a Wife, 1 boy and 2 girls, a puppy and 3 gold fish. I would live in a big country house...... See where I am going? I have been with my same sex partner for 20 years, Have 2 dogs & live in a little cul de sac with families who know who we are! Must say, the house is one I dreamt of when I was a boy!!! If everyone could enjoy the hapiness I have had with my partner of 20 Years, Life would be good for you. Oh and I say my PRAYERS EVERY NIGHT!
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