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Article Title: Shirley Goes R&B
Author of reported comment: Bode
Comment Date: 19:31 on Mar 13 2008
Comment: i have not listen to this album, however, my message is to the mentality of christians regarding the issue of music. Paul said i became all things to all men, that i might win some, if mama Shirley deside to use languages or brand of music that will attract the attention of unbelievers then i thank God for her, as she is not bound by tradition of men who believe that only one type of music is acceptable to God for ministration. How many unbelievers will listen to hymnal song (well most sing it at funeral without even listening to what they sing anyway). Please note that you don't get grammy for a music that does not sell, if mama Shirley gets a grammy for this track only, then it means the gospel has found its way to where it is required( not with christians of course , but with unbelievers). And please if the bible did not say every Psalm of David is a song, don't assume it to be, that will be heresy. Bro Tonex, I love you keep doing what you are doing, it is the unbelievers that need the gospel, Mama Shirley don't you stop, keep taking the message outside the church and keep doing it for God, when we get to heaven, we will all understand better.
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