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Author of reported comment: Stevie B
Comment Date: 23:04 on Mar 19 2008
Comment: Interesting to read the "official" CR review, esp the contradiction as S Townend and Phatfish sand "Strength will rise"! Having been at Kes, I was disappointed in the quality of some recordings, and what was missed out. On the CD, the "other" (non Stu T & Lou F) band actually sound better! I think maybe they had trouble recording ST's band? On the "minus" side, the CD's "layout" is not optimal, as after song no. 11, we have 5 "slow" songs, mostly with several verses all the same style, and it makes me want to stop listening at that point! There's an awful out-of-tune top note in "The power of the cross" - why didn't they correct that in the studio? And why not put the "full-on" version of "The power of the cross" that we sang in week 3 (which was really moving at the time) on the CD, rather than the "arty" version? My favourite tracks are "Strength will rise", "O church arise", and "Sing to the Lord". I don't know why they repeat some songs on the CD year after year!! Overall a nice mix, and better than the previous couple of years' offerings.
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