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Article Title: Wonderama
Author of reported comment: Brian Chidester
Comment Date: 18:52 on Mar 24 2008
Comment: Like a lot of these more artistic and poetic Christian artists (Terry Taylor, Mike Knott, Steve Taylor), I feel like Stonehill's "Wonderama" benefits from the concept album appraoch. Sometimes the overly simplistic sounds like cliche'd worship music. a Style that, to my ears, seems vapid and souless next to, say, black gospel. But with albums like "Wonderama" or "The Grape Prophet" (by L.S. Undergound), you get these really creative storytellers going a bit more nuanced. They might not cite Jesus or god or the Bible as much, but they get into the details of suffering and joy and madness, and they make sense of it with fantastical worlds. In my opinion, this album is a masterpiece.
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