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Article Title: Brown gives Free Vote on Embryology Bill
Author of reported comment: Wrought
Comment Date: 20:58 on Mar 27 2008
Comment: Fortunately, this kind of outcry happens every few years and never succeeds. Science breaks new grounds. People who believe in the supernatural and bronze age moralities complain bitterly. Science prevails. Human morality evolves. Diseases get cured. Food products improve. Health improves. Etc. GM, cloning or even that the Earth goes round the Sun.. relgion always opposes, and forunately, today, doesn't have the strength to oppose for very long. Soon there will be no religious voice, and the fantasy God will be relegated to the mythological graveyard along with all the other gods mankind has fervently believed in, such as Zeus. Fortunately there's enough media attention on this to make religion look really stupid. Which is fair, because it is.
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