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Article Title: Next To You
Author of reported comment: Carmen
Comment Date: 11:40 on Mar 29 2008
Comment: The songs on "Next To You" really ministered to me, particularlt the song "I will always love you", because i had never known God's love personally, although i had been a Christian some years prior to this. I had many issues relating to God as loving, having experienced abuse and rejection which scarred me badly. During a mental breakdown, (not my first), when i was once again at my wit's end, and thought i had lost my salvation, and that God disapproved of me, I wrote to Joe King and told him of how his album "Eye of the Storm" had opened a lot of deep wounds for me, and i knew i had to face them or i would not come through this crisis. I really opened up my heart in the letter, safe in the knowledge that i was unlikely to meet him face to face. Joe wrote back and advised me to listen to his song "I Will Always Love You". He also advised deep ministry, which i did, and still am, in the process of receiving, but i really believe that God used Joe's music majorly in my life- i had never heard God's heart like that before. Many tears flowed, and the healing has been painful, but i am so glad that i discovered Joe's music- it has been such an inspiration. God bless you, Joe.
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