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Article Title: The Prodigal Son
Author of reported comment: June
Comment Date: 21:16 on Apr 6 2008
Comment: Having had an uplifting experience (even though it was many years ago) at a performance of Produgal Son The Musical I can only say that it did much more for my family than sitting through hours and hours of mundane rantings in any church service has ever done. The tape does not do justice to the effect you get at a live performance, where the actors have been working together for a whole day putting the performance together. I am having difficulty getting hold of a copy of the tape. I have two copies of the booket which includes the music, and have written to the address on the back of the booket but to no avail. The impact of this most moving performance was stupendous. The audience are drawn in to the story in a tremendous way, and then faced with the family dilemma of having favoured one son above another ... how many families does that represent? Not seen the movie yet? You are missing out!
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