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Article Title: Rick Joyner
Author of reported comment: luis Cascalheria
Comment Date: 22:01 on Apr 18 2008
Comment: i am a drummer and also been playing in the church for 20 years,and i have seen how God is comunicating in through the emotions that he has instilled in us ,i write many songs from the heart of the Spirit of the Lord but in the modern day church,call it charismatic,i have found that the holy spirit many times gets second place,in the time of worship in our church and most churches as the program must be fullfilled to keep everyone happy,and thus satan has silenced the song of the spirit and His bride.I have experienced this so often that i feel i have quenched the SPIRIT,sounds out of line ,well its;because some people say that i being portuguese have latino blood in me and that is why i feel like shouting and sometimes i have said WAKE UP this is not about us coming together for our sakes but celebrate the Glory of His majesty, its not about culture its about do you have the revelation of what HE is doing , do we know what is going on,in the natural and the spiritual,OH LORD JESUS that we may worship you in Spirit and in Truth.
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