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Article Title: The Passover: Meno Kalisher On Fulfilment Of Jewish Prophecy
Author of reported comment: Roger Faultersack
Comment Date: 21:06 on Apr 22 2008
Comment: Meno: I for one do not believe in easter, I am a Gentile however I do very strongly believe and except Christ Jesus as my savour. I paid the price for me on the cross, he is my passover lamb. I looked the word easter up in many books, it is a pagon hoilday, the romans had this in the spring it has nothing to do with my savour Jesus. What do you think Jesus was doing in the tomb for three days? Playing with bunnys and coloring eastor eggs? Fraid not. The only time it shows up in our Fathers word is in Acts 12: 4 and it has nothing at all to do with Christ. here they are talking about Peter, they put him in presion I partake in Passover every year just the same as you. I try very hard to walk in Christ foot steps, one time I saw two sets of foot prints in the sand, then there was only one set, I ask my savour what happend, where did you go when I needed you the most? He answered me "That's when I carried you son" If only I could do the same to him, but my shoulders are not very big.
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