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Article Title: A Diamond Date
Author of reported comment: Emre Yucel
Comment Date: 20:24 on May 13 2008
Comment: "Real science is always gratifyingly consistent with the Bible" except when the bible hasn't caught up with real science? Let's face it, the Earth is not the center of the universe and the celestial bodies do not orbit us. It seems obvious to us in this day and age, even the Pope would agree that the Sun does not orbit the Earth, but when Gallileo spoke in favor of Copernicus's theory he was persecuted and imprisoned. It was just four hundred years ago that Christianity did not accept the fact that the rock we lived on was a actually one of many planets orbiting the Sun undulating in the spiral arm of a galaxy in space among countless other galaxies of all shapes and sizes. In face of undeniable evidence, the Christianity conveniently and quietly accepts these facts. "In 1992, the Roman Catholic Church finally repealed the ruling of the Inquisition against Galileo. The Church gave a pardon to Galileo and admitted that the heliocentric theory was correct. This pardon came 350 years after Galileo's death." History does repeat itself, and religion will always be about a few hundred years behind science. By that, I am guessing that Darwin's theory of evolution will finally be accepted sometime around year 2200, unless you bring back the Christian tradition of book burning. Modern libraries are basically anti-christian monuments, they're full of knowledge acquired through science. "God created Man 5000 years ago." You want to know the truth? It was actually the other way around. God made me say it.
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