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Author of reported comment: Kim
Comment Date: 18:05 on May 27 2008
Comment: A hardened music critic am I, yet I really like this album. Perhaps I am biased (I am a friend of Lou's), but even so: the songs, as always, are rich in melody and varied in style and form. The lyrics are excellently written and can be heard time and time again with little obvious repetition, and new meaning becomes clear with every listen. I particularly like the way that the album begins with such an anthemic song (Promised Land) because this immediately lifts the spirits. A favourite of mine is In You, a quieter and more moody song that speaks of trusting completely in God, with very good use of arrangement to convey meaning and emotion. The songs all boast great introductions and good endings, a rare thing in modern worship (or should I say most worship?!). On the down side, I know that Lou is performing the album with excellent musicians, but I think that I've heard better collaborations of musicians. However, this does not degrade from the album's quality and although the familiarity amongst band members is perhaps missing a little, it is not hard for the listener to become familiar with the catchy songs and meaningful lyrics that hit the mark every time. As always, Lou's vocals are spot on and I love the way she's unafraid to use the top end of her range to its full potential. This is one thing that keeps her songs especially interesting - the range. But the tone quality doesn't decrease, nor does the expression, despite singing so high. All in all, a great album that will certainly stay on my shelf for many years to come. Love you Lou!
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