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Article Title: Richly Blessed
Author of reported comment: Tracy Forde
Comment Date: 01:18 on May 28 2008
Comment: So many of you guys are haven't lived her life....below is part of an article...her own words. Coming from a broken home..and where you feel used by your parents....can cause tremdous pain that probably spilled over into her marriage. While we all make bad choices and make decisions based on our flesh... each of us falls so short..God forgives and even blesses us inspite of our sin...are their consequences...yes..even in her new marriage she will face the consequences. BUT..God is gracious...He restores. He can even turn our mistakes into something He can use. I garantee you of we laid out each life on here..including mine...we would all be comparison to His perfection...if you think are pious and I question if you truly know Christ and His grace that has saved you daily from the pit of hell. Each of still has parts of us that need to hear the gospel. Read a part of her story. Lift her up in your prayers. Ask God to make her new as He daily makes you and me new in Him. ..
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