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Article Title: Richly Blessed
Author of reported comment: Tracy Forde
Comment Date: 01:28 on May 28 2008
Comment: Ultimately things settled in her heart and she moved on. She explains, "People can see through you when you're fake. I've been very open about my flaws and there's been a bit of backlash about that." You haven't walked in her shoes....maybe her faith was not her's till this don't know what presure she was under and how her parents divorce affected her...and where do you go when your famous...who do you turn to for direction in a world where christians judge and your story can be sold for money or gossiped about. It's sad...but we have enough sin to take care of in our own lives with out judging her. She will live out the consequences...let God deal with her...not us. If you don't agree don't listen to her music..but don't you dare think you are better and jusdge her.
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