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Article Title: Why I Hate Religion
Author of reported comment: Kishi
Comment Date: 03:16 on May 31 2008
Comment: Thank you so much for the interesting idea. I also hate religion, and I am terribly sorry for the loss of James. I am afraid to disagree with the idea, but I think saying "fine" is really important. In my church in Tokyo (, everyone is encouraged to be a leader. As a leader, I think we should encourage others around us with positive and shining attitudes. I don't think it's nice to say "fine" just because I would like others to look at me as nice. As a leader, I say "fine" to encourage others and create positive attitudes for people around me because I know God has a great hope and future for us no matter what happens. I am not performing here. I believe that what is happening -no matter how difficult and hard it may seem to be- has meanings. I think all we need to do is to believe in God.
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