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Article Title: The Waiting
Author of reported comment: Amy Wolter
Comment Date: 16:22 on May 31 2008
Comment: Hey Fighter fans. Thanks for your nice comments about the band. Those were good days and we enjoyed singing and bringing the message of Christ to all who would hear it! Since the CD's are out of print, we have had to get extra copies on Ebay ourselves. (Also to Rose the reviewer...FYI - 'Shadows' was sung by Amy Wolter. Dawn Heller is Bill Heller's wife and was a huge support to the group....the wind beneath our wings.) A side note....if you are interested in buying a copy of my solo album 'Hit Me in the Heart', please e-mail Jim and I at You can check out also, and Billy's website as well: He's still playing and singing but has traded in his electric guitars for acoustics. And to all our friends in Brazil...we love you and think of our time there often. Was just looking at some photos this morning of the SOS concert in 1993!
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