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Article Title: People Of Promise
Author of reported comment: James
Comment Date: 15:25 on Jun 10 2008
Comment: I personally think the person who wrote this review has no idea what he is talking about. He probably doesn't have much knowledge of music period! I have the album I think it's actually refreshing for someone to do something that is called "different" in this worship scene, just because it doesn't sound like the others (who I won't name) doesn't mean it's not good. Yes some of the songs are infectious--why is this fact annoying? Maybe it's a case that the grace message is too much to handle?? I think Dave Bilbrough continues to push the boundaries. If the reviewer had properly listened to the album then he would realise that its style is rootsy and not soft pop which you have put in the style catergory (your first mistake my friend). This album is authentic which is something I have not heard in the worship scene for a very long time.
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