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Article Title: Father To The Fatherless
Author of reported comment: Emma
Comment Date: 11:34 on Jun 14 2008
Comment: Thank you for this, and thankyou God for reminding me to check my emails! Brief explaination.. I've just turned 18, and for the past year (but about 6 weeks) I have been in psychiatric hospital with depression and self harm and have tried to kill myself a few times, with 2 very close calls. My father left/got chucked out just before my 2nd birthday because of his alcoholism. I've visited him on my own with my brother when we were little a few times.. but he was always drunk, then we didn't see him for years and years and still don't see him. I've always known my experiences when I was younger have affected me alot, but there were some words in your article that spoke to me so much. I became a Christian when I was 14.. that was the only thing that got me through the next 2 years. Then my Grandpa died.. and I fell apart. Recently my faith feels like it has been over stretched. I have just been diagnosed with a personality disorder too. I'm not really sure why i'm writing this, I just felt understood and needed to say something. I'm sorry for the jumbled-ness of this, thankyou for sharing your story, Emma
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